Living in our society makes it virtually impossible not to have a complicated relationship with food and your body. Whether you’re struggling with an eating disorder, disordered eating, body image distress or trauma symptoms that make you feel disembodied, we take a holistic and liberatory approach to healing. Using a Health at Every Size and Body Trust framework, we help you re-connect with your intuition, build body resilience and live a life guided by your truest values.

Simple line drawing of gender non-binary person with short hair, wearing a tank top and shorts

Our focus is on healing, not fixing

We want to help you define healing for yourself because you know yourself better than anyone. We will never prescribe or demand certain outcomes. We will never tell you what to do. We support you, on your terms, as you see fit.

We believe your coping is wise

The way you’ve learned to cope has helped you survive in a culture that seeks to keep you small. We’re not here to tell you what you “should” be doing, instead we are here to help you identify and explore what you are needing.

ALL bodies are wecome here


ALL bodies are wecome here 〰️

We don’t see your body as a problem

Our society tells us that some bodies are more valuable than others - that some are “good” and some are “bad.” This paradigm harms all of us, but especially those whose bodies are most marginalized. Our focus is on helping you heal from society’s oppressive standards, which would have you believe that your body is the problem. We see your body as worthy, regardless of its size.

We will never, ever prescribe weight loss

Diet culture tells us that the life we want is on the other side of weight loss. These messages are pervasive. It is no wonder that many of us have long histories of dieting, disordered eating and body shame. We believe that recommending weight loss is not only harmful, but unethical. Not only does research show that long-term weight loss is ineffective, but focusing on weight loss reinforces oppressive standards, increases stress, and robs us of fully living. We help you find liberation from a life of rules and restrictions.

Simple line drawing of woman with short hair, wearing a tank top and shorts

We respect body autonomy

We honor your right to choose what you do with your own body. While we do not endorse weight loss, we understand that you may still be engaging in disordered eating or dieting, and you may not be fully ready to let that go. Regardless of where you are, we make space for all the complexities and challenges of your experience, and ultimately trust you to make decisions about your body.

We prioritize pleasure

Pleasure holds possibilities. It can increase our sense of agency, and give us opportunities to feel present. Our society can often demonize pleasure and create shame around it, leading to disconnection. We provide a safe and nurturing environment to explore and experiment with your needs and desires.

We do our own work

We recognize our privileges and are committed to doing the ongoing work of examining our own biases. We know that we won’t always get it right, and we will make mistakes. We value feedback and always trust lived experience.